HW01: Edit README.md


Due by 11:59pm CT (Chicago) on June 16th.

The goal is to test your software installation, our GitHub setup, and our homework submission process via pull request, as well as demonstrate competency in Markdown.

Accessing the hw01 repository

Go here and find your copy of the hw01 repository. It follows the naming convention hw01-<USERNAME>. Clone the repository to your computer using the process below.

In RStudio, start a new Project:

  • File > New Project > Version Control > Git. In the “repository URL” paste the URL of your new GitHub repository.
  • Decide where to store the local directory for the project. Don’t scatter everything around your computer - have a central location, or some meaningful structure. For repositories you create in this course, you can setup a cis directory and clone all your repos there.
  • I suggest you check “Open in new session”, as that’s what you’ll usually do in real life.
  • Click “Create Project” to create a new sub-directory, which will be all of these things:
    • a directory on your computer
    • a Git repository, linked to a remote GitHub repository
    • an RStudio Project
  • Whenever possible, this will be the preferred route for setting up your R projects.
Make sure you followed the configuration steps here and are able to authenticate yourself before attempting to clone the repository.

Edit README.md

When you create the repository, you will notice there is only one file in the repo: README.md. In future assignments, the repo will be seeded with additional files/data that are necessary to get started.

Your general workflow will be:

  • Pull from GitHub (just an empty precaution now, but will matter when you collaborate with others)
  • Make changes locally to README.md in RStudio
  • Save your changes
  • Commit your changes to your repo
  • Push the commit to GitHub

Practice using Markdown

Written assignments will be submitted using Markdown. Markdown is a lightweight text formatting language that easily converts between file formats. It is integrated directly into R Markdown, which combines R code, output, and written text into a single document (.Rmd). Regular Markdown files (.md) are rendered on the GitHub website and can be directly read on the website. GitHub includes a guide for writing Markdown documents.

Your README.md should contain a brief biography of yourself. To achieve full marks, you should include at least 4 of the following elements:

  • Headers
  • Emphasis (italics or bold)
  • Lists
  • Images1
  • Links

Submit the assignment

Follow instructions on homework workflow.


Needs improvement: README.md says equivalent of “This is the repository of Benjamin Soltoff”. All work done via browser at github.com … but that’s just a guess, because student doesn’t actually say how it was done.

Satisfactory: something in between

Excellent: README.md provides a proper introduction of student to the class. It also demonstrates experimentation with 4 or more aspects of the Markdown syntax. Examples: section headers, links, bold, italic, bullet points, image embed, etc. The student describes how they got the changes into README.md and offers a few reflections on their GitHub workflow and their experience with Markdown.


  1. Perhaps add a picture of yourself to your repo and embed it in your readme. ^
Benjamin Soltoff
Benjamin Soltoff
Lecturer in Information Science